
Building blocks of your portfolio

Asset market data is the backbone of any data-driven investment strategy. Hence, our focus on selection & options.

Market data at your fingertips

Access asset data for all major financial instruments incl. ETFs, US & intl. stocks, futures, currencies, cryptocurrencies, and indices.

Long-term historical data—going back to the 1930s for some assets—is provided and data quality is rigorously checked by our algorithms.
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Build your own asset

Asset data used in portfolios must reflect the unique situation of the investor. Our extensive options to modify asset data help you to do that.

Options include: converting an asset to a different base currency, building continuous futures with customisable roll settings, or backfilling an asset.
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Import your own asset

While most investors will find the asset data provided by pfolio to be sufficient, we also offer import functionality for those who need it.

Your asset data can be imported via a hosted file or via Google Sheets. Once set-up, your data will be refreshed on a daily basis in our platform.
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Why pfolio?

DIY investing without the downsides

Managing your own investments allows for the highest degree of flexibility while minimising fees.

However, DIY investing can be time consuming, complicated & scary. Not with pfolio.

pfolio is investing optimised for performance, flexibility & efficiency.
Maximise risk-adjusted returns by allocating to a diversified set of assets. Reduce large drawdowns & enjoy a smoother ride.
Design portfolios with any assets, even import your own data. Trade via your own broker or exchange.
Minimise fees, limit time investment & reduce emotions with a data-driven investment strategy.

Get started now

It is never too early and it is never too late to start investing. With pfolio, everybody can be their own wealth manager.
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