Smart portfolios designed for you
We have done the hard work to make it easy for you to invest in high performing & diversified portfolios.
Design your own portfolio
With pfolio's Portfolio Builder, your own diversified portfolio, optimised for risk-adjusted performance, is only a couple of clicks away.
Express your investment criteria by choosing your risk level, asset class and geographical exposure, amongst various other portfolio building options.
Express your investment criteria by choosing your risk level, asset class and geographical exposure, amongst various other portfolio building options.
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Choose one of our portfolios
We have designed a range of portfolios, each portfolio targeted at a specific investor type. There is a matching portfolio for most investors.
Choose between low, medium & high volatility portfolios that are ETF-only or including individual stocks. Opt for ESG or crypto options if you like.
Choose between low, medium & high volatility portfolios that are ETF-only or including individual stocks. Opt for ESG or crypto options if you like.
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Maximise risk-adjusted returns
Optimising your portfolio for maximum risk-adjusted returns is not easy. That is why we are here to do the heavy lifting for you.
All portfolios build with pfolio utilise our proprietary algorithms and Nobel Prize-winning Modern Portfolio Theory for portfolio optimisation.
All portfolios build with pfolio utilise our proprietary algorithms and Nobel Prize-winning Modern Portfolio Theory for portfolio optimisation.
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Why pfolio?
DIY investing without the downsides
Managing your own investments allows for the highest degree of flexibility while minimising fees.
However, DIY investing can be time consuming, complicated & scary. Not with pfolio.
pfolio is investing optimised for performance, flexibility & efficiency.
However, DIY investing can be time consuming, complicated & scary. Not with pfolio.
pfolio is investing optimised for performance, flexibility & efficiency.
Maximise risk-adjusted returns by allocating to a diversified set of assets. Reduce large drawdowns & enjoy a smoother ride.
Design portfolios with any assets, even import your own data. Trade via your own broker or exchange.
Minimise fees, limit time investment & reduce emotions with a data-driven investment strategy.
Get started now
It is never too early and it is never too late to start investing. With pfolio, everybody can be their own wealth manager.