Investing your portfolio

Follow these steps to implement your investment portfolio and to track your investments. Learn about the tools we provide to make the process as easy as possible for you.


Rebalancing basics

All portfolios built with pfolio rebalance monthly, i.e. the portfolio's allocation to assets changes. Regular rebalancing ensures portfolios are optimised for current market conditions.

The monthly rebalance schedule is as follows:

  1. Close of month: The month ends with the close of the New York Stock Exchange on the last trading day of the month (4:00 pm EST)
  2. Calculation of new allocations: The portfolio's new allocations are automatically calculated and are made available by 4:00 am EST on the first trading day of the new month
  3. User prepares rebalancing: The user downloads the new rebalancing instructions and implements the sell and buy orders in their trading platform
  4. User trades: The trades execute in the first 15 minutes after the market opens

Monthly rebalancing schedule

We personally use Interactive Brokers as our trading platform. We schedule the orders to execute in the first 15 minutes after the market opens using Interactive Brokers' Adaptive Market Order with a condition to execute after a specified time. Alternatively, a Market-on-Open order could be used as well.

If the first of the month falls on a public holiday when the markets are closed, the rebalancing should take place on the next day when the markets are open.

Investing your portfolio for the first time

If you are new to the platform and currently have no investment positions, follow these steps to invest your portfolio:

  1. Select base currency
  2. Load portfolio allocations
  3. Enter net asset value
  4. Confirm allocations to load rebalancing instructions
  5. Implement buy orders in your trading platform

Your first rebalancing instructions

It is recommended to wait until the first trading day of the following month to invest your portfolio for the first time.

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