Our portfolios

A deep-dive into how we structured our selection of portfolios and how they perform against a major market benchmark.


While all our portfolios contain ETFs, some also contain individual stocks and/or cryptocurrencies. There are two ESG-conscious portfolios that only invest in assets with high MSCI ESG ratings.

We started by designing our low volatility, ETF-only portfolio and from there expanded our portfolio range by adding asset types and increasing the volatility.

Portfolios that include individual stocks have a higher turnover compared to the other portfolios as there are many more assets to choose from.

With just a few clicks you can explore a portfolio's configuration, analyse its performance, and understand its asset allocation.

Exploring our portfolios

Portfolios by risk level and asset type

We provide 8 portfolios segmented by risk level and included asset types to offer matching portfolios to a broad spectrum of users.

Our portfolios by volatility and asset type

Risk level

At pfolio, we use volatility (or the standard deviation of returns) as our main risk metric, with the following risk levels:

  1. Low: ~ 5% annual volatility
  2. Medium: ~ 10% annual volatility
  3. High: > 10% annual volatility

Please note that the risk or volatility levels are long-term averages and that a portfolio can be above or below a target risk level for prolonged periods.

Asset type

Thanks to the proliferation of ETFs, ETF-only portfolios can offer exposure to most areas of the financial markets. Still, adding individual stocks and/or cryptocurrencies to one's portfolio can offer additional diversification and can be especially useful in creating high-volatility portfolios.

  • ETF-only: Portfolios only allocate to ETFs
  • ETF + individual stocks: Portfolios can also allocate to individual stocks which typically increase the portfolio's volatility and turnover
  • ETF + cryptocurrencies: Portfolios can also allocate to a selection of cryptocurrencies which typically increase the portfolio's volatility and turnover
  • ETF + individual stocks + cryptocurrencies: Offers the greatest choice for the portfolio asset selection
  • ESG-conscious vs. no ESG consideration: ESG-conscious portfolios only allocate to assets with high MSCI ESG ratings while all other portfolios allocate with no consideration for ESG ratings

Portfolio names and descriptions

Across the pfolio platform, our portfolios can be identified by the tickers below.

Our portfolio names and descriptions

Portfolio performance comparison

Our portfolios are designed to achieve the highest possible return given a specific risk level and to be uncorrelated to the overall stock market. Data shown below is over the period between and including 2005 and 2023.

Performance vs. the S&P-500

Plotting our portfolios on a return vs. volatility matrix clearly shows the different risk levels and the high return-to-risk ratio of each portfolio compared to the S&P-500.

Our portfolios' performance vs. the S&P-500

Correlation with the S&P-500

All our portfolios that do not contain individual stocks are highly uncorrelated to the S&P-500 (in the single digits).

Our portfolios that do contain individual stocks have a higher allocation to the equity asset class and show a correlation to the S&P-500 in the range of +35%.

Our portfolios' correlation with the S&P-500

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